Discover Ghent!

VEK does not disappoint on the cultural front either! After this difficult year, we will return with a wide variety of events. 

Curious what we have in store for you during this legendary academic year? Scroll on for a sneak peek!


Something for everybody

The culture team focuses not only on VEK members, but on all economics students. We organise numerous events that everyone can get involved in! For example, an alpaca hike is already planned to keep things a bit quieter. If this is a bit too quiet for you, a rafting trip is also planned where you can fully indulge yourself. Something for everyone, something lager for everyone. Pub crawls have long been part of the cultural planning, so you can definitely expect that too. Following years of tradition, we also organise a big Poker tournament. Of course, we cannot give everything away just yet, but be sure to keep an eye on our events calendar, facebook page and Instagram. Let the VEK surprise you!



What can you expect?

As a culture team, we also see it as our job to fill your stomachs, not only with beer but also with tasty events. In the second week, for instance, we have planned a movie night for you on the terrace of our beloved Yucca. Of course, we do not forget our commilitones (= a person who has already been hazed at VEK) either, they can enjoy a magical beach cantus at sunset. In the second semester, we also foresee a delicious themed commi lunch where mimosas will be in abundance. With culture, we push boundaries, both literally and figuratively. Every year, for instance, we organise our ski trip with the typical après-ski, and we will soak up culture during the city trip.

Want to keep up to date with all our events? Then be sure to keep an eye on the facebook page, Instagram page and the events calendar on our website for more info!

Astid Pensaert & Geike Callens
Culture Presidents 2024-2025
Dries Cami, Manon Cocquyt & Milo Coryn 
Culture Committee 2024-2025